In crueler days these two would have had the crap knocked out of them if they were walking down a deserted street at the wrong time. People still mostly hate clowns. Is it because we are uncomfortable with our innocence, foolishness, visibility, freakishness, softness? I know I am! So much easier to be the robot. I am collecting stories of clown abuse if you have any. I can only say that a relative was a clown for a while and quit because at one gig the parents felt comfortable allowing their kids to assault her. She just wanted to make the children smile! This was in rural Virginia. I was at a party near Brooklyn College attended by a clown, and she was treated with respect, kept very busy with face pa

inting. Other clowns buy their safety by making those balloon a

nimals. This may explain why they learn to do it so fast. Twist twist squeak twist twist squeak squeak squeak twist... voila... poodle! For the sake of my credibility, let me say that I can tell Mister Softee isn't really a clown, but he has a similar cheerfulness and appealing hat. If you are in the mood, you can hear the
Mister Softee theme song from the comfort of your whereever you are. You can even get the sheet music!
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