Friday, August 31, 2007

77 88 999

I can't remember what I did on June 6, but 7/7 and 8/8 are pretty unforgettable. Got to take the kids to the playground at Fulton Ferry Park on 77, heard the boredoms, was not bored. We also went to the Floating Lady barge pool that day. I missed the Red Hook pool, sorry barge lady. My love for that enormous wading pool and the fun kids have in it expands my heart every time I think about it. My kids didn't even want to go in the pool on the barge, they just wanted to keep filling up cups of water from the water cooler that stood on the ship's deck. For all the 175 people they had allowed in, there were maybe 15 cups stacked there, and my kids couldn't keep their hands off them. They love water coolers. They love the deep satisfaction of filling cups with pure water. Something I can't help taking for granted although it is a luxury of the profound variety. That's what I hear.

88 was a fabulous day for me. A day of freedom. I'm sorry about the tornados, for people's hardship, but I loved that day. Loved that my husband couldn't go to the job that demands so much of his energy. Loved that we went down to Prospect Lake to see how high the water was. It wasn't that high. After a major storm about 10 years ago, we found an enormous crayfish in a puddle on the road that goes around the park, marooned. I was hoping to see more like that one. We didn't, but we did run into friends who also couldn't get to work, hung out with them for an hour in the park, talking about things like how to catch crayfish with a chunk of suet.

Saw a guy walking down 5th Ave in Manhattan with a t-shirt that said got freedom and that day, it made me smile, instead of cry. A beautiful day. I'm wicked I guess, because I can't help kind of seeing roofs ripped of houses as a metaphor for some kind of disaster forced transcendence, delivering people from mind-numbingly tedious routines. We are so lucky no one got hurt. Lucky 88. Well, if I get hit by lighting or my car gets smashed by a tree the people of 68th street and others in Kensington can see that as a metaphor for, um, I'll let them fill in the blank here...

August went so fast. Goodbye 8th month. You're so lionine. Thanks for ripening so much bounty. More than we can take in. Later, Persephone dude.

99 will be here soon. It's not just 99 this year, it's 999 (2007=9). 9+9+9=36=9, oh, nines are so cute and graceful. I know of one person planning a celebration, of the cosmic, not ironic variety. I wonder what else is in the works. Hopefully no natural disasters of any scale.

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