Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Gifts from Ecuador

She has to go back to her home outside of Quito soon. I'm so glad she came, and like a defibrillator, restarted my heart in so many ways. During the workshop she led, I allowed my heart to be fed and realized how undernourished it was, and as soon as I got home with my kids, I was met with their dreadfully hungry hearts, which I in turn was able to feed.

Maybe Susana is a little worried about us, as all mothers worry, worried about the ones she must leave here as she heads back to the Andes, to her home by the mountains where she runs an arts retreat and maternity house. I am a little worried, too. How do I keep my heart alive? How do I refuse to walk in robot mode all day long? How do I remember what matters? It is a little worrisome. How do I keep my balance?

We will be strong.

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