Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Babbo's in AM New York

Today I dropped in Babbo's for the first time in too long. Leonora told me that they got a really good response from the write up in AM New York last Sunday. Hey, that was my scoop first. But I guess small independent booksellers need all the support they can get so I'm really happy to hear about the coverage she got.

A flier on their door states they are hosting a book party for Brooklyn poet Matthew Schwartz on Friday. I haven't read his book, Blessings for the Hands, but I have a feeling I will. The party is at the store, April 4 from 8-10.

And who will bless the bellies? The Hootenanny Art House, that's who! If only we can one day get the Step Dancers of Holy Name together with the Bellydancers of the Hootenanny Art House's Tribal Fusion class, what a blessed pageant that would be.

1 comment:

Leonora said...

It's true. You had it first!