Monday, April 28, 2008

Doree's 100

I've written about my husband from time to time, that husband of mine. I was surprised to open the Observer to the article about Brooklyn's Literary 100 and see that he was one of the two entrees for Windsor Terrace. I pointed it out and he looked astonished and said "I know." We joked that the illustration at the bottom was a picture of him, as he likes to wear sweater vests, had recently grown a beard, and on occasion from far away he appears to have very small feet. And do they have any idea he's married to a random illiterate Brooklyn blogger? It's for good reason that I've kept my lip buttoned.

He wasn't the only one on list who hasn't published a novel - in fact the majority are agents and editors. Who's 100 is this? A writer's bread and butter 100. If it weren't packed with potential employers, there would be room for writers like Gabriel Cohen, or as my husband suggested, Nica Lalli and Felicia Sullivan. And who could leave out David Grand and Brooklyn writer turned comedian and Daily Show regular John Kellogg Hodgman?

I also wonder why Darin Strauss, who I often see pushing his double stroller (HE HAD TWINS!)around Windsor Terrace with a pleasantly surprised look on his face, was listed as a Park Slope author. Perhaps like me he prefers the Vanderbilt Playground.

Doree Shafrir apologizes for her "necessarily arbitrary" list. My husband seems to have been included because some view him, as she writes, as a "comer" within the magazine publishing world. Can I please never hear that expression again! I'm not so impressed with this cliquey party-throwing literary world of Doree's if "comers" is a word they like.

What an irresistable temptation, to judge judges. I feel better now.


Elizabeth said...

Wow, "comer" - yeah, I don't know about that either. If anyone called my husband that, I think I'd have to tease him mercilessly on a daily basis. Not that I don't do that anyway.

I'm a little intimidated though, realizing that your husband is such a Big Shot. Can I still be friends with you, or will I be suspected of social climbing? I'll just have to remind you that I wanted to make friends with you before I knew your husband was a "comer" I guess. And, um, I'll stop using that word. Ew.

amarilla said...

He's really not a big shot, that's why it was so funny to see him on that list.

You should be on that list, Mrs. Motley!