Sunday, May 4, 2008

Coffee with Message

I don't know if anyone still knows how to read tea leaves, but no matter, at many coffee shops around here the reading choices are very distinct. At Lonelyville the other day, I noticed that the one and only book they sell is called What's Possible, 50 True Stories of People Who Dared to Dream They Could Make a Difference, by Daryn Kagan, who is the owner's sister. I wouldn't mind having a closer look at it someday.

The last time I was at Vox Pop the book with point of purchase priority was Secrets of the Millionare Mind by T. Harv Eker, complete with a statement from the owner endorsing it. It sort of surprised me to see a book with that kind of New Agey outlook on sale in a place with significant hipness. But then again, when you look closely you notice a painting of the madonna holding the world in her hands, and then you realize what a sincere place Vox Pop is. Not so much irony, but plenty of depth, and a little hope. And the people who work there are always so nice and happy to talk to me, no matter what kind of annoying question or comment I come up with.

I don't know why I haven't read that Eker book. I should have read it a million years ago. Would it kill me to become a positive thinker? Can I imagine for one second having wads of cash? Is it possible that I could live from a place of abundance and happiness instead of survival? Eh, why not.


Lisanne said...

Ha, i read that book the last time I was at Vox Pop!!!
That place likes to see ALL points of view.

Anonymous said...

I adore Vox Pop - you really hit the nail on the head. It really has an air of sincerity about it. I feel the same about Crossroads, but it has a more humble "what you see is what you get" kinda nice vibe about it. I find LV a little stagey, but they are the nicest people ever, and they make the best latte I have ever had in my life. We have awesome coffee shops!