Friday, May 30, 2008

Pre-K and Irises

My head's been spinning from how bizarre things have been lately. My daughter got an acceptance letter for a Pre-K program, but when I went in to confirm her spot, I was told she might not wind up with it in the long run. The poor parent coordinator was so aggrieved that she might have to take away the "lollipop" the board of ed had just served us.


...But aren't the irises lovely these days? This one was growing on Matthew's Court in Victorian Flatbush. There were some at Lonelyville so purple they nearly broke my camera.

I'm off to a weekend in Wildwood for the wedding party of a High School friend. And already feeling toasted.


Bed-Stuy Banana said...

Why did they say your child might not get in that school? We just got our DOE acceptance letter for pre-k and have not been able to get through to the school by phone yet.

amarilla said...

I think the DOE process was botched and some people more entitled to slots didn't get them.