Saturday, May 10, 2008

Thank You Trader Joe's

I got this email from Farm Sanctuary. Maybe you did too?

Winning Update on the Trader Joe's Campaign

National grocery chain Trader Joe's took a step towards compassion this week, reducing their complicity in the cruel confinement of hens by a corporation Farm Sanctuary has targeted since 2005. After investigative footage obtained by Farm Sanctuary and the most recent undercover investigation by Mercy for Animals that exposed abhorrent and inexcusable cruelty administered by the egg farm Gemperle, Trader Joe's has finally decided to end the sale of eggs produced by this company. The retailer had previously cut Gemperle as a supplier for its own brand of eggs, but continued to offer eggs produced by Gemperle to its customers under other labels.

While this is a victory against one of the worst producers in agriculture, millions of other hens still suffer in cramped, barren wire battery cages, their conditions hidden behind closed doors. Now, we need to encourage Trader Joe's to take another, larger step forward and live up to their public image of a hip, responsible retailer. Please thank Trader Joe's for their recent decision to end purchases from Gemperle, and urge them to end all sales of eggs produced from battery caged hens.

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