Sunday, December 14, 2008

kitchen mini micro farm

For homegrown in winter, the Easysprout is my secret, but I'm sure a colander would do. The presoak is essential. I'm not sure why some of the quinoa sprouts turned pinkish, it may have to do with some sort of nitrogen buildup.

A cup of sprouts mixed with an egg, a scant 2 Tablespoons of flour, a portion of your daily ration of salt, minced onions and whatever else lights you up, (chopped cashews in my case), then into the hot oil. Don't kill me raw foodies, let me do it myself. But really, someday try either steamed or sprouted quinoa in savory pancakes, because there's something about the light nuttiness of toasted quinoa ya shouldn't miss.

Can you call them latkes? I suppose if you're a Jew from the Andes. PS Coffee, Tea and Spice on 5th Avenue and 5th St. has organic quinoa for $4.50/lb.


Matthew said...


Old First said...

Couldn't you open a breakfast place?