Thursday, March 19, 2009

Applewood on 17th

It seems that the Lucky 13 Saloon is not the only source of wood these days. I came across this immaculately organized pile up in a tree pit on 17th the other day, went to take a picture but realized I'd left my CF card at work. DOH! The next day I was ready, but when I stopped to pull my camera out I found myself blocking someone from entering his yard. This turned out to be the handsome son of the man behind the wood arrangement, who told me his father had become obsessed with gardening and needed to remove this apple tree, which didn't bear fruit, to allow more sun for his garden beds.

He left a sign saying "Free Applewood, good for barbecues" on the largest stump of the group and weighed it down with another stick. So if you need any Applewood, look no further than 17th near the corner of 11th Ave. But hurry, because I hear the UPS man was going to take a bunch of it.


Old First said...

Two local guys I know collect apples from the sidewalk apple trees in the neighborhood (did you know there some?), and they told me that this year, unlike previous years, there were almost no apples to harvest. THey don't know why.

The word verification for this post is "Carope." What a great word.

amarilla said...

More disturbing news. Um, thanks? The whip comes down. Carope? We pronounce that e at the end, right? I hope so.