Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wetiful Weather

And I thought March was a sloppy kisser. The paint-by-number trees adopt a richer palette on these wet days we've been having, while other kinds of bark simply darken. As for the sky, if there was a rainbow during the sunshower that fell around 5 yesterday I didn't see it, but I kept expecting to see one around every corner.


Marie said...

I passed a wet plane tree on Congress yesterday, saw the deep green, thought of camouflage and thought of you. Funny.

amarilla said...

Yes, funny! Ya know I should be used to these extra weird blog synchronicities by now, but I still don't know what to make of them. Sometimes I think we are just the playthings of mischievous fairies with a fondness for code. Hello?

BestViewInBrooklyn said...

These are gorgeous! I wish I had your eye for natural detail. Lovely.

Matthew said...

Planetree in the rain. Really, do we require much more?