Monday, July 20, 2009

no remorse for poppy pods

Last year I showed my son how to harvest marigold and chive seeds, and since seed collecting has become a job he's avid for. As soon as he noticed the poppy pods had dried and opened, the disk of flaps that covered the seed vents opening up in less than 24 hours, each dried disk seeming frozen in the act of a wild whirling twirl, he climbed into the garden and snapped them off their dry stalks, brought them in and prepared to surgically remove the hidden wealth with a hand drill.

Technical difficulties allowed me the chance to squirrel them away long enough to take the portrait, after which he found them again, and now, they have a new look. He gave me a dish of seed and the broken pieces of pod, their secret vaulting revealed, wrapped up in paper.


knithound brooklyn said...

Lovely photos.

Anonymous said...

Grind those pods into a powder ant they make a nice tea

jaytea said...

I don't think those are the type of poppies that tea is made from. Papaver somniferums poppies are the type that the tea is made from. The PS has a much rounder appearance and the crown of the PS does not extend across to the edges of the pod, plus the crowns of PS turn upwards when they are drying whereas the pods in the photo here have flat-straight-across the-whole-pod crowns.
I think the poppies shown might be P. Orientalis or Shirley poppies.