Thursday, December 24, 2009


Leaving the house yesterday morning I wondered about the set of keys I'd lost weeks ago, the set that contained the best cut of our house key, the one I wanted copied to make a key for the pet sitter. Funny to find the lost set while leaving the school, right there tacked to the bulletin board. I must have passed by the same spot at least 10 times before realizing that those were actually my keys. I always assumed they belonged to someone else. Profound stupidity or miracle or both?

Walking down 8th Ave in the afterglow of this strange good fortune I heard odd squawking and looked up to see parrots, the shock of green naked in the cold air. I wanted to follow them to the carnival.


Robin Morrison said...

"Walking down 8th Ave in the afterglow of this strange good fortune I heard odd squawking and looked up to see parrots, the shock of green naked in the cold air. I wanted to follow them to the carnival."

This is perfect. If I were Gabriel Marcia Marquez starting a 'New York City' novel, this would be my opening para.

I especially like how the spare grammar lets "green naked" read as a compound noun. Also how I want to capitalize "I heard odd squawking" into pronoundom:

I heard Odd squawking.

It's as if the carnival were already there.

See! Green NAKED!

Hear! Odd squawk!

muntiv: moment of global comprehension

amarilla said...

"It's as if the carnival were already there." So it is! I hadn't noticed.Odd the naked Merry-Go-Round key grounds rides the cold green Ferris Wheel parrotair! Jolly squawking with you!