Monday, June 23, 2008

Opera Bat

I shouldn't have been surprised to see bats at the opera in the park last Friday, after all, we had found a place to watch from in the middle of a baseball diamond. I was a little surprised though to be able to take a picture of one that looked like anything more than a grey smear. Well, OK, it is a grey smear, that kind of looks like the batman bat.

I've only noticed mosquitos for the last 2 weeks. If it's going to be like last year, I'll see them slipping in the doorway the second we open the door, fat and lazy, dangling long spotted legs. My neighbor joked that we should get bats. Why not? We could get bat houses. But where do you get those, and would bats really live in them? Has anyone gotten one?

1 comment:

Chris Kreussling (Flatbush Gardener) said...

I got one lucky shot of the bats. Haven't uploaded my pix from the opera yet.

I bought and installed a bat house this past Spring. I think I was too late for any residents this year. Maybe next year. Fingers crossed!