Friday, August 10, 2007

OK, What else is on a Plane?

The picture of the marmoset/spider monkey (which is it?) is from the 1010 wins article on the subject of the primate, now nicknamed Spirit, who traveled from Lima to New York under a man's hat, then perched on his pony tail, and once discovered, politely on his lap. Gothamist posted a picture from the Curious George series - nice. I had that idea too, really I did. Also thinking about it in terms of the story Caps for Sale, one of my favorites. But that picture book is about frisky monkeys, not smugleable ones.

You monkeys you, you give me back my caps!

One thing you can be sure of, I am traveling Monkey Express at the soonest possible opportunity. How about petting zoo/ plane service, what a value! It's hard not to make light of this story. But I hope everything gets straightened out soon for the monkey and his man with a hat. And for airport security.

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