Thursday, October 18, 2007

Vamping Up at the Atlantic Center

In all honesty I didn't give two seconds time to even thinking about sewing my kids halloween costumes myself, I can't even really say I regret my lack of creativity, I don't. I couldn't get to Party City fast enough, wanted that weight lifted. 3 costumes, a ghoulish challenge I raise the cross against.

I censured my daughters costume. She wanted a disgustingly frightening decomposing skeleton,which she'd have to wear to a party with lots of little kids. I couldn't stomach it, said no, and amazing thing, she didn't really argue with me. What's going on here????

My son was easy, chose a cuter skeleton, and I have to say he looks fabulous in it. Very weird.

The little one wanted to be Diego, as in Go Diego Go, but they didn't have that costume, so she'll be wearing a pumpkin costume we already have, ka-ching! She did see a Diego piñata which she wanted for her birthday, but there is no way I'm going to watch anyone whack a little boy to smithereens. I have a friend named Diego so it would really be deeply upsetting to watch that. What sicko would do that? I know the kind...

My son chose an eyeball pinata, which I actually do feel bad about not trying to make myself because that would be so easy. When we were buying it, I asked him to go request it from a guy that worked in the store, and not being shy, he was willing, but he went up to the wrong person, a man waiting on line to buy something, sweetly grabbed his wrist and asked for the piñata. Kept doing it even after I tried to tell him that he had the wrong man. All the people waiting on line started laughing at my son, not in a mean way, but because it was so cute. As you can imagine, he didn't appreciate it.

Next year, I really should arrange some kind of used costume exchange in my neighborhood. What would be more fun?

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