Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Feel the Rush

Rush stands where Bargainland used to; I was so pleased to find a great picture of that place at the Bridge and Tunnel Club. I remember it with affection although I'm not sure why now, and a friend even named her band after it so I guess it had its charm.

I'm usually too overwhelmed by the Rush sign to shop there but I got over there this week when my son's teacher requested dollar store rolls of masking tape. I got two rolls for $1.49. On the way in I noticed that the sign used a particularly full version of Cooper, a font that is always full and cheerful and pleasant enough to appear pretty much everywhere you look. Seldom does it look as full though. I've said in the past that it reminds me of healthy chubby babies with fullness of cheek and limb. Here the letters aren't swollen with baby sweetness but rather with the angularity of the good old stars and stripes, shop 'til you drop America.

It's good to have a place where you can get stuff so cheap but not so good once you discover how it is possible to make stuff so cheaply. That's why I rarely shop there, I'd really rather not buy anything new if I have to. But tape isn't one of those things you can get used. I'm trying to have a better attitude about it though. Because I discovered that the cashier there is a woman I know, a woman whose son went to Pre-K with my daughter, a woman who is extremely kind and friendly. A woman who once gave me a set of Indian clothes for free simply because I had complimented her kurta. And she needs to make a living, right, I imagine, and feed her family. Why do things have to be so complicated?


Lisanne said...

ygvafWho needs to go to Chelsea to look at art when it's right under our noses?

great photos! (and words of course!)

amarilla said...

wow...thank you...coming from you this means a lot. I love your assembled painting at Freddy's, by the way.