My friend recently asked me if I had ever had the pleasure of seeing the Mr. Pickle truck. Well, today I did, and it was a pleasure. And after I picked my camera up off the ground where I had dropped it I got to take a picture of it. I think at least 3 people noticed the camera there on the cement and started shouting at me while I rummaged through all my pockets. The wasted time was perfect however, because if not for that I wouldn't have gotten Mr. Bagel in the shot with Mr. Pickle, and they are quite a pair. "Every bite a delight."
For your viewing convenience I have blown up a detail of the meeting of the two, or you can take in the entire truck as shown below. Or maybe I just loaded the image twice because I like it.

O my goodness, you are just fabulous.
What a wonderful posting.
How wonderful and rich the world is. I think God loves the details, and can't wait to see what's next.
God, of course, is an Aristotelian. To be a Platonist would be boring for God, I think.
thank you...I was just in a good place at a good time dropping a perfectly good camera on the ground.
What does that mean, that God is an Aristotelian? I forgot the little I know about that.
This is just too perfect! Thank goodness you dropped your camera!
Imagine if the Utz Girl showed up on the scene?
What a party that would be! I'll have to photoshop her in.
Yay! You met Mr. Pickle! I love the way he and the Terrace Bagel (Mr. Bagel?) seem to be dancing together.
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