Monday, June 9, 2008

Laundry Karma

This is what a tube of Burt's Bees lip balm looks like after it's been through the wash. Guess what? There's no more lip balm inside. It's on the brand new $50 Drifter T-shirt I just bought at Neda's. Smeared over the spot that drapes the left clavicle.

It wasn't my fault this time. Sometimes a request for help backfires, and you become even more convinced that you have to do things yourself.

But I'm not sure I see a pattern. I think it's just an unfortuante circumstance, one reminding me that instead of admiring the elegant way the inverted darts on the designer T added umph to my sagging bustline, I should have been considering other people's harships. After all, it was May 13.

By the way, I wear the shirt anyway since I love it so much. I just hand washed it with (ahem, Burt's Bees) Citrus Ginger bodywash, which smells amazing. The stain is a reminder of, um...the imperative of a control freak to come to terms with an imperfect world.

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