Friday, August 1, 2008

What Wetters Was

The stained glass is back, cleaned and repaired. I bet that wasn't cheap. How aweseome that the owners of this business on Prospect Park West are taking the time to honor the beautiful workmanship of the old timers. Now we'll see if they really sell those things advertised in the glass. I don't care if they do, I love misleading signage. More of the metamorphosis here.


Anonymous said...

wasn't that for a movie set?

amarilla said...

No, the "Get On Tapas" sign was for the filming of "I Hate Valentine's Day." The purple paint is new, and the stained glass is vintage from when the place was a dime stored called Wetters. There's little stained glass W panels in the windows which must also be from back then.

amarilla said...

more info

vanessa marie said...

I'm so glad the sign is back... and looking quite lovely! The purple paint also made me smile.

amarilla said...

Then the green door might make you giggle!

Phill said...

Looking an awful lot like a new restaurant in there!