Monday, March 3, 2008

Holy Name Spire Condition

Is it safe to walk the sidewalk around Holy Name? From the look of the spires, I'd be careful. What's the story? Did the incomplete ones fall down or were they dismantled? If they fell, I hope they fell onto the roof. Sadly, I doubt the school has the budget to restore these neighborhood accent marks.

What is that thing on top of the spire, I wonder? I may never know.

Update: a reader who grew up on Howard Place reports that lightning was responsible for the damage to the spires. Thanks for the information, I'll shift my neurosis from falling things to lightning strikes.


Anonymous said...

The spires were hit by lightning many times over the years thats why they are like that. I grew up on Howard Place.

amarilla said...

Thanks, lighting, why didn't I think of that?

Those storms must have been astonishing. What a gothic scenario.

Anonymous said...

Those spires are on my street and I have never noticed.

I really need to look up more often.